1) How’s your profile image.  Do you have great profile picture. Is it your brand logo or a an updated picture of you?   Make sure your description describes what your posts are  about.  Is your name on the profile?  Does the description attract the followers you want?

2) Post visually appealing photos.  Are your photos attractive to the eyes of the followers you want? 

3) Be consistent.Be consistent in everything you do from posting at least twice  daily at the same times.  Also be consistent in connecting with people at 20 people a day by following their accounts.

If you do these 3 things you will get more followers.  Just do it! :)


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How to Get more Love on Instagram?

instagram social media Feb 13, 2020

How do you stay consistent? Consistency is the biggest part of Instagram and getting more love. If you're not on the platform no one will see you. Here are a few thoughts.

1. Chill and relax as your posting and engaging. This should be fun. If it's not fun don't do it.
2. When posting on Instagram it would be a good idea to know who you are talking to. Spend some time know ideal client or customer.

  • Who are they?
  • What do they like?
  • What are their biggest struggles? (and what your solutions for them?)

Write down your answers right now.
You will be posting to serve them and connect with them.

3. Choose 3 to 5 topics or more to always post about. Have a folder for each topic in dropbox and save content and create content.
4. Engage with your peeps.

You have to like and follow other posts and engage with people who comment on your posts.
5. Share other peeps relevant content.  Don't know what to post here are some suggestions:

  • Quotes relevant to your niche 
  • Personal posts about...
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No one ever takes time to think on how they want to show up on their social media platforms.  Here are my top tips in creating the best platforms ever.  

1. Post what your audience really likes!  Let's face it, if you are boring they won't come back.  So make the effort in finding out everything your audience needs and wants.  And then BAM you will be a rockstar!

2. Put a branded look to your content.  This can be a logo, a feel or a color.  Make it scream you!

3. Focus on relevant, niched down content.  If you are implementing the first tip in the video, this one wont be hard.  Angle your post to a particular niche.  For example if you are writing to photographers then focus on the content for them.

4. Theme your content.  I do this all the time.  One month I will write about Instagram and the next month Facebook and so on and so on.  If you theme your content it makes it easier to write about.

And remember...

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The FB Live Challenge Begins!


So with 89 days in this year left I want to encourage you to ramp up your social media marketing with Facebook Live.  

So you guessed it October will be FB Live month.

So want to start out with challenging you to do FB Live for 5 days.

Here are 3 reasons you should be doing FB Live for your business. 

1. It's free.  Yes!  Something you don't have to pay for.

2. It's a great way to get eyeballs on you.  Doing a FB Live will help with that.  More people will see you on FB Live!

3. Lastly, It's a great way to show your authenticity to your audience.  Your viewers will see the real you for sure!  

That all for now so I challenge you to get noticed on FB Live and start with doing it for 5 days straight.  #BizFBLiveChallenge is our hash tag. 

Please take the time to join my FB private group because I will be posting so much in there over the next few weeks for the month of October. 


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A Few More Branding Things!

branding social media Sep 26, 2019

This is a short video, so short it needs no explanation.


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Branding PT 2


In continuation with branding here are three more ideas for you.

1. Be Consistent with your topics on Social Media.  For example if you are a life coach you would post about blenders and mixers.

2. Post regularly.  You would not believe how much this helps you get noticed.

3.  Connect with Influencers.  Connect with someone with a lot of followers that has the same ideal client as you do.

Hope this helps.  Have a good week.

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What to Tweet!

social media tweet Jun 13, 2019

1. Tweet A Video!   Why should you post videos on Twitter?  82% of users watch video on Twitter that’s   why!  Also Videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than photos and 3x more likely   than GIFs according to twitter.   What should be the subject matter of these videos?  Post educational videos, trending   topic videos in your industry or behind the scenes videos.                                                 

Make the videos short!

2. Ask a question in a tweet.  If you’re using twitter for your business you can ask opinion questions on a topic or something industry related.  I recommend making sure your tweet has something to do with what you do for living.                  

Tweet it out as a text or make a nice...

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The 4 Benefits of Email Marketing!


Many people ask me why it is so important to do email marketing. I always tell them that social media and email marketing go hand in hand together.  I also tell them about these 4 benefits of email marketing.

1. It’s Cost Effective.   Email marketing is the perfect digital marketing tactic for businesses working with small budgets because its relatively inexpensive to start and maintain email marketing campaigns. 

2. You can automate the email marketing process very easily.  There are many digital marketing processes that just can’t be automated. (At least, not successfully.) Email marketing is great automate. Automating your emails helps improve the relevancy and timeliness of what you are sending out. You can use triggers and different pathways to automatically send messages to consumers after they take a specific action.

3. It’s so simple. 

Email is so popular because it’s easy to use. Most email software platforms are so...

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Do You Have Engagement On Instagram?


“Brands on Instagram have a 4.21% engagement rate.  That’s 10x higher than Facebook and 84x higher than Twitter.”  Forrester

What’s important to know about engagement!  You can’t be effective on instagram without engagement.

  1. You should know what times to post.  I recommend looking at your instagram insights. I also recommend posting 1 to 2 times a day.  I personally like the times 9am -10am or 2pm - 5pm.  Be consistent and creative with your posts.
  2. Don’t preach at your followers but tell a story.  Stories can be told in many ways I suggest that you post branded photos and 60 second videos.
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The One Thing


The one thing you need to know to crush it this year in your social media.

There is no magic bullet or pill.

What's important is you engaging in community on social media!

You are not going to get customers by always putting up the buy me button.

You need to create relationships online and that is the most important thing.

How do you do that?  You do that by giving!

Post relevant content, I've been saying this all last year.

You have to share with people that they can actually use something in their own businesses

or their own personal life.

So for this week I want to challenge you to start engaging more with your community.

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